This new 5ml Blue Tansy essential oil will be available to purchase from doTERRA October 2nd as a permanent product!
Hailing from northern Morocco, Blue Tansy is a new single oil now offered by doTERRA. It may sound familiar to you already—that’s because Blue Tansy is a key ingredient in some doTERRA blends, including doTERRA Balance® and Deep Blue®. Experimental research indicates that this oil is useful for helping to keep skin looking healthy. Due to chamazulene, the same chemical that gives the oil its characteristic deep indigo color. In fact, it is already being put to use in the new Anti-Aging Eye Cream as part of the updated Essential Skin Care line.
Although this is not an oil that you can take internally, you can use Blue Tansy in a variety of ways both topically and aromatically.
The characteristic indigo color of the oil may stain some surfaces, fabric, and skin. For this reason, it may be a good idea to purchase child-resistant caps to keep children from accidentally spilling the oil on a surface where it won’t come out. However, when it comes to using it with the moisturizer in your skin care routine or diluting it in Fractionated Coconut Oil for a massage, it is unlikely to leave any trace.
Excited to try this new 5ml Blue Tansy essential oil? It will be available October 2, 2017!
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