Last year, I needed a healthy blended food recipe. When my daughter was in the hospital, I was frustrated to read the unhealthy ingredients in the hospital formulas. And I knew they would likely make her condition worse.So I was given information on an organic blended formula, called Liquid Hope, which I ordered and fed her for several months.
I also gave her wheat grass juice in the hospital, and would still be giving it to her if it were readily available where I live. I have a juicer, but just haven’t been able to incorporate it on top of everything else. But it’s an invaluable healing tool, as it infuses the body with oxygen and chlorophyll, which strengthen and alkalize the body. Other raw juices are valuable as well, and I have included a juice recipe with her healthy blended food recipe. Keep in mind that this recipe takes about 2 hours to make from start to finish. I had to get friends to help me the first couple times, and now I hire helpers (college students) to make it.
Here are some of the nutritional supplements we have been using to strengthen her body and heal it. I try to find all plant-based products, with NO synthetics for all our supplements.
Please don’t go to your local grocery store and expect to find high quality versions of these supplements! But find a naturopath doctor or holistic healer, who you feel good about and/or comes with a recommendation, and them what brand they suggest. Many can do personalized testing to see what works best for each individual.
Both times Raquel got out of the hospital we did colon hydrotherapy or cleansing. So I think this is VERY important, to remove toxic deposits out of the digestive tract to lighten the toxic load so the body can absorb nutrients and focus its energy on healing.
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I’m sorry, we don’t ship there. Only other places in Europe.