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Soda Pop Substitute: Essential Oil “Sassy” Water

This healthy soda pop substitute is filtered water with lemon and wild orange essential oils and a dash of stevia. It’s sooooo good! I’ve especially been grateful for its digestive support.




I usually sprinkle in the stevia first and add the oils as I’m filling up the pitcher. This way it stirs itself. Some of the oils rise to the top, but the flavor goes through all the water. I keep the container covered so the oils don’t evaporate off. This keeps the flavor strong.

I try to always keep my sassy water in glass or stainless steel containers, since essential oils break down plastic. I’ve used plastic straws for awhile, but I’m finally upgrading to glass straws from Glass Dharma. I just need a couple 9″ ones to put in the quart canning jars I drink out from. I LOVE them.