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Snazzy Snack Mix

Warning! This snack mix is addictive! Once you eat a handful, you won’t be able to stop. At least this one is on the healthier side, right? (…compared to straight Doritos at least!)




  1. Melt butter in a small bowl and add next 5 ingredients, mixing well with a small whisk or fork.
  2. Pour over the last 5 ingredients and stir well.


I do buy some cereals from the store, but I try to get healthier brands (Kashi, Barbara’s, Cascadian Farm, Trader Joe’s) that don’t have so many synthetic vitamins and preservatives like BHT. The chex cereals have it, but I only buy them to make this mix. I also think Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies are healthier and better tasting than Goldfish. I get them at Walmart.