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Red, White, & Blueberry Popsicles

I love this time of year with the patriotic songs, decorations, and fireworks. And there is nothing so beautiful as to see the Stars & Stripes waving in the wind! Help capture the magic of patriotism with these red, white, & white blueberry popsicles that will cheer you up, cool you down, and provide a wealth of nutrition all at the same time. This colorful treat has no added sugar but is naturally sweetened by fresh fruit. Essential oils also aid in giving a depth of flavor with each level of color.



For Red layer:

For White layer:

For Blueberry layer:


Don’t let the fancy layers fool you. This recipe is incredibly easy to put together! Although this recipe only made 4 popsicles, I found it much simpler to use a whole pint of fruit and a whole banana instead of having to measure out a certain amount and have leftovers. So you could certainly double or triple this recipe to make more! With each layer just simply fill your popsicle mold 1/3 of the way up. And any leftover fruit puree you had could be easily turned into a smoothie by adding a bit more coconut water. So go enjoy a delicious, nutrient dense treat that will inspire patriotism!


Start very small with the coconut water (1 tsp.) and add more as needed. If it’s too runny then the layers will mix together!

Different popsicle molds will hold different amounts, so just fill each layer about 1/3 of the way up the mold you are using.